Emperor, Imperator a film by Konrad ÅÄ™cki (in Latin and Teutonic :)
Published on Jun 16, 2021
In Latin and Teutonic with English subtitles
Rome Empire, Story of Emperor Marcus Salvius Otho.
Directed by Konrad ÅÄ™cki,
Screenplay by Konrad ÅÄ™cki
Produced by Lidia Sadowska
Director of photography Karol Åakomiec
Film editor Robert Czerniejewski
Music by Roberto Ignis
cast: Robert Wrzosek, Ewa Hornich, Dominik Bąk, Jarosław Witaszczyk, Medard Plewacki, Edward Kusztal, Marcin Brykczyński, Andrzej Cempura, Piotr Czerniejewski, Cezary Kaźmierski
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